Biophotons are no ordinary light. Each cell in our body emits light. This light is highly structured (coherent) and communicates with the neighbouring cells inside the body and organisms outside the body. It carries unlimited amounts of information bi-directionally – informing other cells and organisms and carrying their information back to its own origin in the DNA. Every cell in our body is at any time informed about the state of every other cell.
Photons created by the body create a common shared field. The light interaction and information gained outside the body is broadcasted back into the body, into the tubulin network and the DNA.
This is the biophysics insight of how the body reads and responds to a substance placed on the body or the instrument near the body.
The muscle response to different challenges predicts which intervention (medication, chiropractic adjustments, remedies, co-enzymes, mineral co-factors, application of light, etc.) would increase the coherence of our light body and that of a specific tissue.
The state of our light body reflects our health. The muscle tone changes observed in NEUROPROCARE METHOD are a response to changes in our light physiology.